Donate to Lawyers for Nature

As a volunteer-led organisation, we rely on support from our community and network of funders.

If you would like to contribute to our mission, please press the button below to make a donation. It will open a form where you'll be able to select the amount you would like to donate, whether it's a one-off or regular payment, and a range of other options, such as being able to act as a fundraiser on behalf of Lawyers for Nature or sending us a comment letting us know why you donated. Everything is securely received through DonorBox and processed through Stripe, both market-leading online payment platforms.

We follow best-practice guidance on protecting all donor information. Your information security is our utmost concern. If you would like to know more about how Lawyers for Nature handles your payment data, please refer to our Privacy Policy and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to and a member of the team will aim to respond within 5 working days. Thank you very much for your support in our mission to represent nature, and all who seek to defend it.

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We look forward to working with you.