Garden of Tomorrow Festival: We Are Nature
We are excited to share with you the Garden of Tomorrow Festival in June, on the theme 'We Are Nature'.
Attending Love Our Ouse's Rights of Rivers Summit!
We attended the Rights of Rivers Summit, featuring workshops on different aspects of developing a River Charter.
ERCS's Environmental Rights Summit
LFN Researcher Alex May had a great time attending the Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland's Environmental Rights Summit yesterday.
Careers Advice Session: Hear from Lawyers for Nature
We are please to announce that on 5th April at 18:00-19:30, UKELA will be
holding a Careers Advice
Event: LFN x PGMBM 'Rights of Nature' Hackathon, London 2022
You are invited to express your interest to attend the 1st 'Rights of Nature'
Litigation Strategy Hackathon being