rights of nature

Rights of Nature, Rights of Rivers: Definitions and Declarations in the Movement

Rights of Nature, Rights of Rivers: Definitions and Declarations in the Movement

By Krishan Nursimooloo in association with XR Ireland and Claire Nevin The concept of Rights of Nature challenges the way
8 min read
Paul Powlesland is elected to the Bar Council on a climate action mandate that advocates ‘Justice for All’

Paul Powlesland is elected to the Bar Council on a climate action mandate that advocates ‘Justice for All’

By Paul Powlesland When I was born, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere were 348 parts per million. This year, the
2 min read
Rights of Nature in Ireland – Towards a Living Island of Rights-Bearing Communities:  Submission to the Irish Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss

Rights of Nature in Ireland – Towards a Living Island of Rights-Bearing Communities: Submission to the Irish Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss

By Claire Nevin In April 2022, the Irish Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss (“The Assembly”) held its inaugural meeting in
6 min read
Case Study: Nature on the Board at Faith in Nature

Case Study: Nature on the Board at Faith in Nature

Under advice from Lawyers for Nature, cruelty-free and vegan cosmetics company Faith in Nature have appointed a Nature Director to their board.
2 min read
Being for Nature: Introducing Interconnected Law

Being for Nature: Introducing Interconnected Law

By Alex May The previous blog posts in this series looked at what it means to be ‘for nature’ and
7 min read
Being for Nature: Thinking about Society

Being for Nature: Thinking about Society

By Alex May This is the second blog post in a series of three. The first blog post looked at
4 min read
Being for Nature: Introducing Social Ecology

Being for Nature: Introducing Social Ecology

By Alex May I’m writing these blog posts to share what I’ve learned and how my thinking has
5 min read
The Felling Film: An Epic Tale of People Power

The Felling Film: An Epic Tale of People Power

By Paul Powlesland The fight to protect nature in the UK can seem so relentless that there's often
12 min read
Event: Bristol Natural History Consortium's Festival of Nature 2022

Event: Bristol Natural History Consortium's Festival of Nature 2022

How can we use the law to protect our environment? Join the team at Lawyers for Nature this evening at
1 min read
Nature Rights are Human Rights: The UN Human Rights Council Resolution on the Right to a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment

Nature Rights are Human Rights: The UN Human Rights Council Resolution on the Right to a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment

By Claire Nevin [https://www.linkedin.com/in/claire-nevin-3747b437/] In October 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) passed
7 min read